Arrangement of your planting, guideline assistance from various gathered sources.
Phase 2, Managed Automated Deployment of your Crops planting.
Digital crop cycle management portfolio, Develop on your growing experience.
Acquired crop telematic & Environmental Data, Compiled, Served to mine.
Along with online monitoring & Assistance, 360 Check-ups, Streamed footage.
Perpetual cycles of harvesting leading to Trading or Taking home*, Personalised options.
*Some restrictions apply, Perishables logistics (TTL), Import/Export laws.
Our automation techniques are engineered green & Remote as we inspired to be.
From Seed/Stock to Grown, delivered to your home* or traded* offering you a return!
It's NOT lemons, This is Managed Automated Remotely Grown Premium Produce. It's as fresh as you want it, in many ways.
Lead a healthier life enjoying & knowing further the cycle of your food chain. Become part of it, even with personalised packaging options to trade or take home through us to others.